Progno-D ⚕️

AI powered application for Recommendation of the Drugs

This project is primarily built on NLP and Sentiment Analysis and was created for Major League Hacking's AI Hacks Hackathon on DevPost.


There are numerous medications available for a sickness, and consumers sometimes have difficulty selecting prescriptions for their illnesses.The goal of our project  is to develop a recommendation system that assists patients by recommending drugs based on patient outcomes from medication reviews. The Progno-D system is an artificial intelligence-powered medicine recommendation platform. The user may instantly find a medicine recommendation for their selected health condition. Users suffering from conditions such as Birth Control,Depression,Pain,Anxiety, Acne, Bipolar Disorder, Insomnia, Weight Loss, Obesity, ADHD, Diabetes, Type 2, Emergency Contraception, High Blood Pressure and Migrane can use progno-D to receive drug recommendations based on their condition. The Progno-D system can help patients choose better medications for their conditions while also serving as a standard for drug providers such as doctors and pharmaceutical industry.

Dataset 📊

The original dataset can be accessed in the UCI Machine Learning Repository.

Demonstration Video

Application URL