
TypeSafePaths is a TypeScript library that provides a type-safe way to manage URL paths and their parameters in a web application. It leverages the power of Zod for schema validation, ensuring that both path parameters and search parameters conform to specified schemas.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


TypeSafePaths is a TypeScript library that provides a type-safe way to manage URL paths and their parameters in a web application. It leverages the power of Zod for schema validation, ensuring that both path parameters and search parameters conform to specified schemas.


  • Type-Safe URL Paths: Define URL paths with type-safe parameters.
  • Schema Validation: Use Zod schemas to validate search parameters and metadata.
  • Path Construction: Easily build URLs from defined paths and parameters.
  • Path Matching: Match and extract parameters from URLs.
  • Search Parameter Parsing: Parse and validate search parameters from URLs.


npm install type-safe-paths


Defining Paths

First, create an instance of TypeSafePaths and define your paths with the required schemas.

import z from "zod"
import { TypeSafePaths, createPathHelpers } from "type-safe-paths"

// Create a new instance of TypeSafePaths with a metadata schema
const paths = new TypeSafePaths({
  metadataSchema: z.object({
    allowedPermissions: z.array(z.enum(["user", "admin"])),
    mustBeLoggedIn: z.boolean(),
  // Add the first path with metadata and search parameters
  .add("/posts/details/:postId", {
    metadata: {
      allowedPermissions: ["admin"],
      mustBeLoggedIn: true,
    searchParams: z.object({
      query: z.string().optional(),
  // Add a nested path with different metadata and search parameters
  .add("/posts/details/:postId/:commentId", {
    metadata: {
      allowedPermissions: ["user"],
      mustBeLoggedIn: false,
    searchParams: z.object({
      query: z.string().default("hello world"),
      optional: z.string().default("the parsing worked"),

Creating Path Helpers

Use createPathHelpers to generate helper functions for building, matching, and parsing paths.

const {
} = createPathHelpers(paths)

Building Paths

Construct a URL from a defined path and its parameters.

// Build a URL for the path "/posts/details/:postId/:commentId"
const url = buildPath("/posts/details/:postId/:commentId", {
  params: {
    postId: "123",
    commentId: "456",
  searchParams: {
    query: "example query",

// Output: /posts/details/123/456?query="example+query"

Using buildPath with Next.js

You can use the buildPath function with Next.js component for type-safe routing.

import Link from 'next/link';
import { buildPath } from 'type-safe-paths';

const postId = "123";
const commentId = "456";

const url = buildPath("/posts/details/:postId/:commentId", {
  params: { postId, commentId },
  searchParams: { query: "example query" },

const MyComponent = () => (
  <Link href={url}>
    <a>Go to Comment</a>

export default MyComponent;

Matching Paths

Match a URL against the defined paths and extract metadata.

// Match a URL against the registered paths
const matchResult = matchPath("/posts/details/123/456?query=example+query")

if (matchResult) {
  // Output: /posts/details/:postId/:commentId

  // Output: { allowedPermissions: ["user"], testing: "hello world" }
} else {
  console.log("No matching path found.")

Parsing Search Parameters

Parse and validate search parameters from a URL.

// Create a URLSearchParams instance with some query parameters
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams()
searchParams.set("query", "example query")

// Parse and validate the search parameters for the specified path
const parsedParams = parseSearchParamsForPath(

// Output: { query: "example query", optional: "the parsing worked" }

Extracting Path Parameters

Extract path parameters from a URL based on a defined path.

// Extract path parameters from a URL based on the specified path template
const params = extractParamsFromPathName(

// Output: { postId: "123", commentId: "456" }

Inferring Types

Use inferPathProps to infer the types of path parameters and search parameters for a given path. This ensures that your components receive the correct types, enhancing type safety and reducing errors.

import { inferPathProps } from "type-safe-paths";

// Infer types for the path "/posts/details/:postId/:commentId"
type PathProps = inferPathProps<typeof paths, "/posts/details/:postId/:commentId">;

// Example component using inferred types
export default async function MyPage({ params, searchParams }: PathProps) {
  // params and searchParams will have the correct types based on the defined schema
  console.log(params.postId); // string
  console.log(params.commentId); // string
  console.log(searchParams.query); // string
  console.log(searchParams.optional); // string

  // Your component logic here

This approach ensures that params and searchParams in your component have the correct types as specified in the path definition, making your code more robust and maintainable.

Type-Safe Link Component

You can create a type-safe link component using the inferLinkComponentProps utility function. This ensures that the link component receives the correct props based on the defined paths.

import Link from 'next/link'
import { TypeSafePaths, createPathHelpers, inferLinkComponentProps } from 'type-safe-paths'
import { forwardRef } from 'react'

// Create a new instance of TypeSafePaths
const paths = new TypeSafePaths({
  // Your path definitions here

// Create a type-safe link component
const TypeSafeLink = forwardRef<
  inferLinkComponentProps<typeof paths, typeof Link>
>((props, ref) => {
  const { getHrefFromLinkComponentProps } = createPathHelpers(paths)
  return (
    <Link {...props} href={getHrefFromLinkComponentProps(props)} ref={ref} />

In this example, we create a TypeSafeLink component using forwardRef. The component receives props of type inferLinkComponentProps<typeof myPaths, typeof Link>, which infers the correct props based on the defined paths in myPaths.

Inside the component, we use the getHrefFromLinkComponentProps function from createPathHelpers to generate the href prop for the Link component based on the provided props.

Now you can use the TypeSafeLink component in your application, and it will ensure that the props you pass to it match the defined paths and their parameters.

    pathname: "/posts/details/:postId/:commentId",
    params: { postId: "123", commentId: "456" },
    searchParams: { query: "example query" },
  Go to Comment

The TypeSafeLink component will provide type safety and autocomplete suggestions for the path and params props based on your defined paths.



constructor(args?: { metadataSchema?: TMetadataSchema })

Creates an instance of TypeSafePaths with optional metadata schema.

add<TPath extends string, TSearchParams extends z.AnyZodObject | undefined>(path: TPath, opts: { searchParams?: TSearchParams, metadata: z.input<TMetadataSchema> })

Adds a path to the registry with optional search parameters and metadata.

createPathHelpers(registry: TypeSafePaths)

buildPath<TKey extends keyof TRegistry["$registry"]>(k: TKey, opts: { params: { [k in TRegistry["$registry"][TKey]["params"]]: string }, searchParams?: z.input<TRegistry["$registry"][TKey]["searchParams"]> })

Builds a URL from a defined path and its parameters.

matchPath(pathname: string)

Matches a URL against the defined paths and extracts metadata.

extractParamsFromPathName<TPath extends keyof TRegistry["$registry"]>(pathname: string, path: TPath)

Extracts path parameters from a URL.

parseSearchParamsForPath<TPath extends keyof TRegistry["$registry"]>(searchParams: URLSearchParams, path: TPath)

Parses and validates search parameters from a URL.


inferPathProps<TRegistry extends TypeSafePaths<any, any>, TPath extends keyof TRegistry["$registry"]>

Infers the types of path parameters and search parameters for a given path.


inferLinkComponentProps<TRegistry extends TypeSafePaths<any, any>, TLinkComponent extends React.ComponentType<any>>

Infers the props for a type-safe link component based on the defined paths and the underlying link component.




Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


This library was inspired by the need for a type-safe way to manage URL paths and parameters in modern web applications, leveraging the power of Zod for schema validation.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!