IDOBAO Help Site

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Thank you

A special thank you to some awesome people who make awesome tools and resources that make this site and the thing its about possible.

The Site
  • Github for hosting this, and it's Pages feature.
  • Ashwin Maroli and Matt Rogers for Jekyll, the engine that Github pages runs on - and this site is built with.
  • Shopify for Liquid, the theme engine Jekyll is built on.
  • Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton, and all the other collaborators, for Bootstrap, for the CSS this site is built with.
  • Vino Rodrigues for Bootstrap-Dark, for making Bootstrap work in dark mode.
  • Dave Gandy et al. from Fort Awesome for Font Awesome, for the UI images used here.
  • ... and all the other countless people who make open source possible, some of which is used here but we can't write 100's of pages of thank you's - they're gratefully implied!
The keyboards
  • The QMK Collaborators for QMK, for the firmware that our boards are built on.
  • Olivia, Valdis Thomann, & Andrew Kannan for VIA, the key-mapping tool we build our firmware to support.

© 2022 | Made with 🤎