DB dump: The database dump is in /docker/mysql/dump.sql (will be used by Docker automatically).

Running CLI commands:

  • Transfer CLI Command example: php ./index.php transfer 1 2 20000 (The parameters are: the sender user id, the receiver id, the amount.)

  • Operations overview CLI command example: php ./index.php operations 1 (The parameter is the user id.)

  • Funds withdraw CLI command example: php ./index.php withdraw 1 20000 (The parameters are: the user id, the amount.)

  • Funds add to the account CLI command example: php ./index.php add_funds 1 20000 (The parameters are: the user id, the amount.)

Running PHPUnit tests (go into Docker container, first, as shown below): php vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite payments


  1. Start: docker-compose up

  2. Go to container: docker exec -it payment_php /bin/bash su application cd /var/www

  3. DB creds (always use root user and “root” DB password): MYSQL_ROOT_USER: root MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root123 MYSQL_DATABASE: payment_db

DB connect (using MySQL Workbench):

  • Connection method: Standard (TCP/IP)
  • Hostname:
  • Port: 3315
  • Username: root
  • Password: root123
  • Default schema: payment_db