This project aims to integrate payment APIs of popular organizations like paystack, interswitch, flutterwave, etc.
This is a server side project so in order to set up the project, you need to JDK installed. You also need to have maven installed and a host of dependencies such as spring data jpa, spring data web, h2 database, spring starter validation
To run this project, make sure you have JDK 17 or higher installed
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project directory cd findar_book_store
Compile the Java files javac or Click on the run button at the top right if you are using vs code or intellij idea
- Run the program java
If the code runs successfully, you can use postman to call the endpoints
To add new Book to the store: http://localhost:8080/rest/book/addBook
To update a book details: http://localhost:8080/rest/book/updateBook/id/{id}
To list all available books: http://localhost:8080/rest/book/listBooks/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}
To delete a book from the store: http://localhost:8080/rest/book/deleteBook/id/{id}