- 2
Removing numbers
#214 opened by Diedman9T - 1
Custom variables support
#213 opened by and7ey - 1
- 5
#208 opened by galaxytwenty - 1
Support regex for multi-world
#204 opened by alvin0319 - 1
- 1
Economy money
#206 opened by ItzXten - 1
Feature add
#210 opened by kingboydev - 0
- 0
- 1
#202 opened by Ezinox - 1
- 3
- 3
- 3
- 1
Problem with scorehud configuration
#193 opened by ivananaya12 - 2
- 1
- 3
Pocketmine 4 Support
#195 opened by PocketMiner92 - 2
#196 opened by DimonYoing - 1
- 4
Disable scorehud on specific worlds
#177 opened by UnEnanoMas - 3
Scorehud not wanting to work with any addons.
#192 opened by ivananaya12 - 1
EconomyApi addon doesnt work
#190 opened by neefee1 - 1
#189 opened by galaxytwenty - 1
Prison Essentials addon
#187 opened by ErosionYT - 0
Server Crash
#180 opened by wynneia - 1
Scorehud progress depends on the number of players
#184 opened by MrBlasyMSK - 1
ScoreHud Crash
#186 opened by Marrr999 - 2
#183 opened by ThatGuy132 - 3
- 1
- 7
Player is not actually removed when they quit.
#176 opened by NgLam2911 - 1
ScoreHUD plugin
#173 opened by Noidenity - 1
Does not display the indicated pattern correctly
#172 opened by UnEnanoMas - 1
- 3
Friends addon ;)
#164 opened by OguzhanUmutlu - 0
/scorehud off (Crash)
#169 opened by UnEnanoMas - 1
/scorehud off (Crash)
#170 opened by UnEnanoMas - 4
The scoreboard has rare "ticks"
#167 opened by UnEnanoMas - 2
When i type the tags, it doesnt work
#168 opened by DPG896 - 10
#165 opened by Yandura - 1
- 2
plugins crash on startup
#163 opened by jasonmadmax - 1
[Question] About Addons
#162 opened by BroCrows - 1
- 1
CPS Add on Not Working
#160 opened by sxkumo - 2
#159 opened by callumrawlinson - 1
Scorehud does not display tags correctly
#156 opened by johng3587 - 1
critical again
#155 opened by SkyGamingXD