
My OS X environment

Primary LanguageShell

Artem Sapegin’s dotfiles



  • Custom color scheme.
  • Custom Bash prompt, useful aliases, etc.
  • Git config, Git global ignore file.
  • Dotfiles syncronization (sync.py).
  • Sensible OS X defaults (setup/osx.sh).
  • Sublime Text 3 settings syncronization and packages autoinstall (setup/sublime-settings.sh).
  • Consolas font install script (setup/consolas.sh).
  • Bash4 install script (setup/bash.sh).
  • OS X, Homebrew, NPM, etc. update script (setup/update.sh).
  • My magic project opener (bin/repo).
  • Many other useful scripts in bin/ directory.
  • Bash & Git aliases and scripts.
  • User scripts for browser: userscripts/.
  • Stop words lists that I use with Marked 2: dict/.
  • Mac OS X apps I use.


(Fork this repo if you want to use my dotfiles.)


  1. Install Xcode Command Line Tools.
  2. Generate SSH key.
  3. Install Homebrew.

Then run these commands in the terminal:

brew install git
git clone git@github.com:sapegin/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles/setup

Now you can run scripts like osx.sh or server.sh to install other stuff.




You can use any file extensions in tilde/ to invoke proper syntax highlighting in code editor.

Further customization

  • Add any Bash profile customizations to ~/.bashlocal.
  • Add your git username/email/etc. to ~/.gitlocal.

