
Simple Laravel 4 validation rule parser for : auto-generate forms, auto-generate documentations etc ... from a simple L4 Validation array.

Primary LanguagePHP


Simple Laravel validation rule parser for : auto-generate forms, auto-generate documentations etc ... from a simple Laravel Validation array.

Compatible with Laravel 4 and Laravel 5


composer require "ifnot/validation-parser"

Custom usage

In this example we will call the RuleSet parser with a custom view for rendering an automatic Form.

In the Controller Action / Route, we define witch view using for each field :

Ifnot\ValidationParser\RuleSet::$view = 'my.form.field';
return View::make('my.form.show');

In /view/my/form/show.blade.php we loop on each RuleSets and bind the property to the RuleSet view.

] as $property => $rules)
  {{ \Ifnot\ValidationParser\RuleSet::parse($rules)->bind('property' => $property)->toString() }}

In the RuleSet view /views/my/form/field.blade.php (specified before) :

<label>{{ $property }}</label>
  {{-- Here insert a input type radio --}}
  {{-- Here, you can insert a select with $ruleSet['in']->params witch contains an array of allowed values --}}
  {{-- Here a ajax loaded json from your table $ruleSet['in']->params[0] and the column $ruleSet['in']->params[1] --}}