
meta-wpe-image is a Yocto BSP to build images with WPEWebKit for evaluation

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Getting the BSP

  • Install repo: apt-get install repo

  • Install the required Yocto dependencies in your system.

  • Create your workdir:

    mkdir -p ~/workdir/wpe-image
    cd ~/workdir/wpe-image
    repo init -u https://github.com/igalia/meta-wpe-image.git -m manifest-${YOCTO_RELEASE}.xml -b $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
    repo sync --force-sync

Activating your work environment

Several environments can be defined your build environment. For example:

  • RPI3:

    $ source setup-environment rpi3-mesa-wpe-nightly raspberrypi3-mesa poky-wayland layers.raspberrypi conf.wpe-nightly --update-config
  • RPI4-64 using the propietary graphics stack (vc4graphics):

    $ source setup-environment rpi4-mesa-wpe-nightly raspberrypi4-64-mesa poky-wayland layers.raspberrypi conf.wpe-nightly --update-config

See more options running the command with no arguments:

$ source setup-environment
Usage: setup-environment targetname
       setup-environment targetname machine distro bblayers presets --update-config







Bitbake layers:




Building the image

Once activated your working environment, you can build your target image:

 $ bitbake-layers show-recipes  "*image*" | grep -B 1 meta-wpe-image
  meta-wpe-image    1.0
rm -rf tmp
bitbake core-image-weston-wpe

The image will be available in tmp/deploy/images/<<machine>>/

SDK Toolchain

Preparing the SDK Toolchain

The following steps are for a Wandboard+mesa but you can reuse it with small changes for any other machine variant:

source setup-environment wandboard-mesa-wpe-base-trunk raspberrypi3-mesa poky-wayland layers.raspberrypi conf.wpe-nightly --update-config
rm -rf tmp
bitbake core-image-wpe-base -c populate_sdk
# The resulting image:
ls ./tmp/deploy/sdk/poky-wayland-*-raspberrypi3-mesa-toolchain-*.sh

Installing the SDK Toolchain

# execute the desired version
./tmp/deploy/sdk/poky-wayland-*-raspberrypi3-mesa-toolchain-*.sh -d ~/toolchain_env -y

Activating the SDK Toolchain

. ~/toolchain_env/environment-setup-*
$ env | grep OE

$ env | grep poky
CC=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc  ...
CXX=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-g++ ...

Running Cog browser:

  • Cog with FDO backend in Weston: /usr/bin/cog-fdo-exported-wayland https://wpewebkit.org
  • Cog with DRM backend directly in framebuffer: /usr/bin/cog-drm-kill-weston https://wpewebkit.org

All this commands will execute the browsers as weston user.

How to contribute

Contributions are welcomed. Please send your patches as Pull Requests or fill a Issue report in case you need to ask for help.