Simple React.js App using Google Sheets API v4

Clone this app and run npm install

To make this work, create a new spreadsheet on your Google Sheets account. Get the spreadsheet Id from the url.


Spreadsheet Id: 1nIrrHDVn0Jx3AbyWowfvLvHg7jqvtP5LH1yRI2Ks

Make sure you have an access token from the Google OAuth Playground . Find the Sheets API V4 scope, and select scope.

Click Authorize APIs. You'll get an Authorization code. Hit Exchange authorization code for tokens.

Copy the access token:

e.g Access Token: ya29.GlvfBsNYQIAsfSyNWuAaiErjtN2fMdar90lzlFx81HKsPr7OS2mPVsoquXzpsRIKqryh8JtoupYCCBE5idwEhUukIZhlvu-f3AJFow4t41Lg2 (this wont work because tokens are temporary).

You will need to modify 4 things: The sheetID in lines 10 and 46, and the access token in lines 16 and 51

If you've followed these steps correctly, it should work! Let me know if it doesnt.

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Expanding this

Click the buttons and it should work! Feel free to modify the code to make it more efficient! Create state variables with the token and ID, find more Google Sheets functions (update formats, update column width, update background color, etc)

You can see more examples at . It's what I've been working on the past year. You can also learn some personal finance! I gamify financial education. So you can learn how to manage a Spreadsheet, create and play on a real budget, and see how good of an investor you are!

Happy coding!

Ignacio N. Aguirre