Ignatz_Tools for Arma3-EpochMod

  • StatusBar
  • Autorestart
  • Autmatic Door Opener
  • Craftable Bicycles
  • Fast Swim
  • Install:
    • copy the files from epoch.mission into your mission file (if init.sqf already exist, paste the code into this file)
    • Add the lines from CfgActionMenu_self.hpp into this file: "epoch.mission\epoch_config\Configs\CfgActionMenu\CfgActionMenu_self.hpp"
    • Add the lines from CfgEPad.hpp into this file: "epoch.mission\epoch_config\Configs\CfgEPad.hpp"
    • Add the lines from CfgRemoteExec.hpp into this file: "epoch.mission\epoch_config\Configs\CfgRemoteExec.hpp"
    • Put your servercomandpassword in @epochhive\addons\ignatz_server\config.cpp
    • All other Settings are in Epoch.Mission\ignatz_config.hpp


  • 2019-10-06
    • Added fast Swim


  • 2019-09-04
    • Tweaked RemoveTrees Scripts (better performance)
    • Removed Earplug Scripts (already added into Vanilla EpochMod)


  • 2019-09-03

    • Added Craftable Bicycles into the E-Pad
  • 2018-05-28

    • Added WoodWall and MetalWall Garage to openable objs for Dooropener