
Application for local online radio named "Frankivsk Wave" that allows users to listen to the radio, see the list of programs and schedule, watch recent as well as recommended by the radio team videos and live streams from connected youtube channel.


Application consists of two modules: radio-service-api (backend and admin panel of the application) and radio-service-ui (UI of the application). Each of them can be built and run independently for dev purposes (as Java and React apps accordingly).

Start locally

mvn clean install
java -jar <env variables: -DvariableName='value'> <jar location>

Environment variables:

  • YOUTUBE_API_KEY (required) - your youtube API key
  • YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID (required) - id of connected channel
  • MONGO_DB_URI (default: 'mongodb://localhost/radio_service') - URI for MongoDB
  • ADMIN_USERNAME (default: 'admin') - admin panel username
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD (default: 'admin') - admin panel password
  • REACT_APP_SITE_URL (required) - your API url
  • REACT_APP_STREAM_URL (required) - your radio stream url