store-system (store-system-vue)
A Quasar Framework app, made for simple stores.
Focused on salespeople who sell products to customers.
Database: Firestore Database Only
All pages protected
Authentication by email registered in firebase, multi users support
PWA support
All data is saved offline when pwa is installed, and updated in real time when connected to the “internet”
Language support (i18n)
- English
- Portuguese
- Home Dashboard
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- Customers
- Products
- Categories
- Expenses Products
- Expenses
- Stock history
- Expense Products
- Products
- Cash Flow (Fast Sales, Purchases, Payments, Quick Exit)
- All Cash Flow
- Customer cash flow
- Shopping cart (List products)
- Discounts in % porcentage and $ value
- Custom Sale Value
- Option to reduce product stock
- Recipe for product (Materials from the expense product list that make up the product.)
- Option for when product inventory increases, decrease inventory of expense products used in the product.
User to testing in live preview (fake)
Password: staging
Example dev firebase variables, .env file
Install the dependencies
Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)
quasar dev
Lint the files
yarn run lint
Build the app for production
quasar build
Customize the configuration
See Configuring quasar.conf.js.
Backup model JSON file example to import
- backup.json
Database model example
- database.model.json
Utils Firebase commands
Exporting data from Firestore
- Open the Firebase Console.
- Navigate to your project and click the gear icon next to the “Project Overview” heading.
- Click the “Project Settings” button.
- In the “Service accounts” tab, click the “Generate new private key” button. This will download a JSON file with your Firebase project’s configuration.
- Rename the downloaded file to appConfig.json.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to save the exported JSON file. Make sure the above file you just renamed exists in the same directory as well.
- Run the following command to export data from your Firestore database:
Delete all data from Firestore
- Firebase CLI
- Login on CLI
- Run command
firebase firestore:delete --all-collections --project [PROJECT_ID]
Import data from JSON file to Firestore
- Run command
npx -p node-firestore-import-export firestore-import -a appConfig.json -b backup.json