Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2020

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2020

Firsts Steps Building API

  1. Create json file: npm init
  2. Install express: npm i express@4
  3. Create the app.js file
  4. Setting up Express and Basic Routing
  5. Read the file tours.json an create the get route
  6. Create the Post,Patch and Delete routes
  7. Refector the routes
  8. Applying middlewares
  9. install morgan: npm i morgan (request logger middleware)
  10. Define the User router on 3-Routes then create they functions on 2- routes handlers
  11. Separating the routes Users and Tours
  12. Create Route Folder
  13. Controller Folder
  14. Create server file
  15. Create param Middleware for get by id on user route
  16. Create param Middleware for 404 not found on tour route and remove the repeated code
  17. Create param Middleware for check values price and name (Post tour route)
  18. Create a Middleware for read static files
  19. Create the config file and npm i dotenv
  20. Install eslint and prettier plugins and dependencies: npm i eslint prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-airbnb eslint-plugin-node eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-react --save-dev

Mongo DB

mongo db

  1. use natours-test
  2. db.tours.insertOne({ name: "The Forest Hiker", price: 297, rating: 4.7 })
  3. db.tours.find()
  4. show dbs
  5. show collections
  6. quit()

Querying (Reading)

  1. db.tours.insertMany([{name: "The Sea Explorer", price: 497, rating:4.8}, {name: "The Snow Adventurer", price: 997, rating: 4.9, difficulty: "easy"}])
  2. db.tours.find({ price: {$lte: 500}})
  3. db.tours.find({price: {$lt:500}, rating: {$gte: 4.8} })
  4. db.tours.find({ $or: [{price: {$lt: 500}}, {rating: {$gte: 4.8}} ]})

Updating Documents

  1. db.tours.updateOne({name: "The Snow Adventurer"}, {$set: {price: 597} })
  2. db.tours.updateMany({ price: {$gt: 500}, rating: {$gte: 4.8}}, { $set: {premium: true}})

Delete Documents

  1. db.tours.deleteMany({ rating: {$lt: 4.8}})
  2. db.tours.deleteMany({})

Mongo DB With Mongoose

  1. npm i mongoose@5

Install Validator

  1. npm i validator

Install ndb

  1. npm i ndb

Instal bcryptjs

  1. npm i bcryptjs

Install Jsonwebtoken

  1. npm i jsonwebtoken

Install Nodemailer

  1. npm i nodemailer

Install Express Rate Limit

  1. npm i express-rate-limit

Install Helmet

  1. npm i helmet

Install Express Mongo Sanitize and XSS Clean

  1. npm i express-mongo-sanitize
  2. npm i xss-clean
  3. npm i hpp

Delete and Import Data node

  1. node ./dev-data/data/import-dev-data.js --delete
  2. node ./dev-data/data/import-dev-data.js --import

Install Pug

  1. npm i pug

Install npm i cookie-parser

  1. npm i cookie-parser

Install Parcel

  1. npm i parcel-bundler

Install Axios

  1. npm i axios

Install babel polyfill

  1. npm i @babel/polyfill