Front-End Course
The course contains basics of front-end development: HTML, CSS, JS, and front-end frameworks.
We plan to decrease the amount of lectures in favor of collective discussions, team projects & collective work. And give all power & responsibility to students.
You can use these materials for self-eductation as well.
Admission for the course is open until enough applicants have successfully completed the tasks (approximately 30 students). Which means, that completing the tasks faster increases your chances to get into the course.
If you have any questions you can ask us in one of our chats.
What you will learn
- Git, github basics, writing good commit messages
- Linux, command line basics, network basics
- JS basics
- Build a bunch of test projects
- Have fun together
General Requirements
English knowledge: a lot of the materials will be in English. If you do not feel confident enough in your technical English, take a look at 📚 Словари по фронтенду
Repository on GitHub to save your progress. More about repositories in Task 0.
Formatting: it's up to you but remember to make it readable. Using markdown is a good idea.
Reading: for each article you are required to read please post the answers to the following questions in your respective repo. Don't worry, your answers will not be graded. It's just a way to reflect on what you have learned.
- name (at least) one thing that was new to you
- name (at least) one thing that surprised you
- name (at least) one thing you intend to use in the future
Online courses: finish all tasks, add some reflection about them into README.
Videos: same as for the reading; watch the video — answer three questions.
For your comfort we have created several chats in the telegram:
- FE Students | Kottans - chat for students, where you can discuss anything related to the current course
- FE Questionarium | Kottans - if you need a help of one of the mentors, or maybe from all of them simultaneously, you can ask it there
- Kottans - and our main chat
➡️ Lets begin! Go forward to Git and GitHub Intro
➡️ Read course plan in Contents
P.S. You should know
If you are willing to participate in the course, you need to understand that you’ll spend a lot of time building something big together — a new way of learning and collaborating. You’ll become part of a small family and should prepare yourself to find new friends and to invest a lot in this friendship (as you should in any friendship).
Final task of this course will be to split into groups and create new courses like that (and we’ll never stop).
Our basic rules
- Respect each other.
- There is no such thing as a stupid question.
- Each person learns with their own speed, has different background and personality, please respect this.
- Communicating and understanding people that are different from you can be beneficial to both parties, provided mutual respect.
- We are against any discriminations by gender, age, the color of skin, disabilities or any other.
- We respect intellectual property - there is hard work of an author or a group of authors behind all materials that we use.