
Remote Procedure Call on .NET5

Primary LanguageC#

Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) with .NET 5: Streaming and Replacement for WCF

This work presents streaming and WCF replacement solution with .NET 5


Solution provides the following functionality for inter-process communication in .NET 5:

  • RPC using interface, particularly to replace WCF
  • RPC with asynchronous response, and
  • Streaming

The solution is based on SignalR library. It uses WebSocket as its main transport type with long polling as a fallback.

The following features are supported:

  • Binaries run in Windows and Linux alike
  • Communication channel may be encrypted with TLS.
  • Client is not necessarily .NET . It may be e. g. front end Web application.

Brief Solution Description

Library SignalRBaseHubServerLib provides infrastructure for server side, whereas SignalRBaseHubClientLib contains base class HubClient for hub client. DtoLib defines Data Transfer Objects (DTO) for request and response shared between server and client. AsyncAutoResetEventLib provides asynchronous version of auto-reset event used in streaming. SignalRBaseHubServerLib provides interfaces for streaming (IStreamingDataProvider<T> and ISetEvent), logging ILog and WCF replacement IDirectCall.

MessageProviderLib library supplies class MessageEventProvider : StreamingDataProvider<Message> providing event stream.

RemoteCallable has RemoteInterfaces and RemoteImplementations libraries used for WCF replacement. The former provides interfaces that supposed to be called remotely and shared between server and client. The latter contains implementation of those interfaces in the server. The implementations may also implement additional interfaces ILog and IDirectCall mentioned above. Implementing the only method DirectCall() of IDirectCall interface, class allows server to call methods of its main interface directly without reflection which is more efficient. If interface IDirectCall is not implemented then server calls methods of main interface using reflection.

Hub Implementation by Server

In the Server side create a hub class derived from RpcAndStreamingHub<Message> with a static constructor to register RPC interfaces with the hub. Public constructor of the class accepts optional arguments beforeCall and afterCall methods. If provided, they are called before and after call of interface method respectively. Example of implementation of a hub is given below.

using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using SignalRBaseHubServerLib;
using MessageProviderLib;
using RemoteInterfaces;
using RemoteImplementations;

namespace SignalRSvc.Hubs
    // The hub class provides data streaming to client subscriber.
    // This is implemented with its base class.
    // The base class takes event provider as a ctor parameter. 
    public class AHub : RpcAndStreamingHub<Message>
        static AHub() 
            RegisterPerCall<IRemoteCall1, RemoteCall1>();
            RegisterPerSession<IRemoteCall2, RemoteCall2>();
            RegisterSingleton<IRemoteCall3>(new RemoteCall3(5));

        public AHub(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
            : base(loggerFactory,
                   (logger, isDirectCall, requestId, clientId, interfaceName, methodName, methodArgs) =>
						// ...
                   (logger, isDirectCall, requestId, clientId, interfaceName, methodName, methodArgs, 
						result, duration, exception) =>
						// ...

        public async Task<Message[]> ProcessMessage(Message[] args)
            StringBuilder sbClients = new();
            StringBuilder sbData = new();

            if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
                sbClients.Append("Clients: ");
                foreach (var clientId in args.Select(dto => dto.ClientId).Distinct())
                    sbClients.Append($"{clientId} ");

                sbData.Append("--> Data: ");
                foreach (var dto in args)
                    sbData.Append($"{dto.Data} ");
                sbClients.Append("No clients");
                sbData.Append("No data available");

            // Send message to all clients
            await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", sbClients.ToString(), sbData.ToString());

            return args;

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Using Interface

An RPC interface is registered with client and server. The server provides class implementing the interface. Client calls method RpcAsync() taking interface and method names as arguments, along with arguments of the called method itself. Then the method is executed on server side and client gets its result. Broadcasting result to other clients may be implemented, if required. Server supports Singleton, PerCall and PerSession instance models, similar to those in WCF. One way call ("fire-and-forget") is also available with method RpcOneWay().

In the Client side instance of HubClient class is created and its methods RegisterInterface<IInterface> are called concluded with async method StartConnectionAsync():

// Create hub client and connect to server
using var hubClient = await new HubClient(url, loggerFactory, $"Client-{Guid.NewGuid()}", 
			(logger, isOneWay, request, result, duration, exception) => 
				// ...
		.StartConnectionAsync(retryIntervalMs: 1000, numOfAttempts: 15);

Then remote calls are carried out as following:

var str = await hubClient.RpcAsync("IRemoteCall1", "Echo", " some text");
var ret3 = (Ret3)await hubClient.RpcAsync("IRemoteCall3", "GetIdAndParam");

RPC with Asynchronous Response

This feature requires in the Server side the same hub class derived from class RpcAndStreamingHub<Message> like in RPC case. Client should first provide handler for notification from Server:

// Client provides handler for server's call of method ReceiveMessage
hubClient.Connection.On("ReceiveMessage", (string s0, string s1) => 
	logger.LogInformation($"ReceiveMessage: {s0} {s1}"));

and then call remote method on Server with InvokeAsync():

// Client calls server's method ProcessMessage
var jarr = (JArray)await hubClient.InvokeAsync("ProcessMessage",
	new[] { new Message { ... }, new Message { ... }, });


Class MessageEventProvider : StreamingDataProvider<Message> generates stream of messages (in this implementation it is singleton). Its instance is attached to Server as an argument in the hub base class constructor. Client subscribes to this stream providing appropriate callback in method Subscribe<Message>():

// Client subscribes for stream of Message objects providing appropriate handler
hubClient.Subscribe<Message>(arg => logger.LogInformation($"Stream: {arg}"));

How to Run Sample

To run the sample fast please do the following. In the root directory

  1. Run file _build_solution.cmd to build the solution. Build result will be placed to bin directory.
  2. Run files _run_Server.cmd and _run_Client.cmd to start server and client respectively.