
sigma challenge

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sigma Backend Challenge

Technical challenge for the Sigma Program - Backend Component

GitHub language count Repository size GitHub last commit

The original challenge was a full-stack project, and considering the independence of its parts, I decided to first separate it into two sub-projects: the backend and the Frontend. The backend, which will be the focus of the project developed in this repository, essentially consists of a login route, a data display route (if the user has permission), and another route for user data editing (also if the user has permission). As auxiliary elements, but not part of the challenge, I also developed a route for creating users and another route for deleting users.

** It's important to note that your request may take longer than expected due to the OnRender (backend host) being on a free plan.

🌎 Links


User for testing

- user1
email: user1@user1.com
password: secret1
firstname: user1
lastname: user1

- user2
email: user2@user2.com
password: secret2
firstname: user2
lastname: user2

- user3
email: user3@user3.com
password: secret3
firstname: user3
lastname: user3


  • Login:

    • Method: PUT
    • Endpoint: "/"
    • Requirements:
      • Request Body (example):
          "email": "user2@user2.com",
          "password": "secret2"
    • Description: This route is used for user authentication and requires the user's email and password in the request body.

  • Data Display:

    • Method: GET

    • Endpoint: "/user"

    • Requirements:

      • Request Headers:
          "Authorization": "Bearer <JWT Token>"
    • Description: This route is used to retrieve user data and requires a valid JWT token in the authorization header.

  • Data Edit:

    • Method: PUT
    • Endpoint: "/user"
    • Requirements:
    • Request Headers:
        "Authorization": "Bearer <JWT Token>"
    • Request Body (Example/ Each field Optional):
        "firstname": "user2",
        "lastname": "user2",
        "email": "user2@user2.com"
    • Description: This route is used to edit user data and requires a valid JWT token in the authorization header. Each field in the request body is optional, and only fields provided will be updated if the user has authorization to edit.

💻 Used Technologies

  • Typescript
  • node
  • express
  • MongoDB
  • lint
  • JWT
  • Mongoose
  • BCrypt
  • DotEnv
  • Helmet
  • Rate-Limit

⚙️ How to Run

1 Clone the repository (via SSH)

On terminal:

git clone git@github.com:IgorMarinhoArgollo/sigma_backend.git

2 Create .env file on folder

It's important to place your string connection to mongoDB connection
Keys that must be included:

MONGO_URI="<place Your String Connection Here>"

3 Running Locally

  • node.js
  • a mongoDB account to create a Free DB and use it as cloud
Installing dependencies:

On terminal:

npm install
Connecting your mongoDB to the project

Follow the 1 minute steps of the Youtube video to get your mongoDB connection String and place it on your .env file


On terminal:

npm run dev


  • / (POST)


  • /user (GET)


  • /user/ (PUT)


🧑‍💻 Author

Igor Marinho Argollo