
This project is a C++ implementation of Knight on chessboard problem (JES), created as a semestral work for MI-PDP (Parallel and Distributed Programming) at FIT CTU.

Given the size of chessboard and positions of Knight and Pawns, the algorithm finds the shortest Knight path to eliminate all of the pawns. The Master-Slave algorithm is parallelized using OpenMP and MPI libraries to run on a cluster environment (multiple cores/multiple threads).

How to compile:

Use the following command to compile the program to run parallely:

mpiCC main.cpp Chessboard.cpp Knight.cpp Pawn.cpp Square.cpp -o JES -O3 -lstdc++ -mavx -std=c++11 -g -fopenmp


Use the following command to run the program parallely:

./JES input_file.txt

Note: You can see the example input files in the examples folder.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.