Interview task (VueJS)


Develop a simple application which manages movie lists of users. App contains 3 user stories - view lists, create list and remove list.


Tech stack

  • Use JavaScript (ES6+)
  • Use Vue
  • Use Vuex to manage state of the app
  • Code must be covered with unit-tests (at least business logic)
  • Use any design library for UI (we have Vue Ant Design in boilerplate)
  • Use any other libraries and frameworks to speed up development


  • Usage templates style for component creation is more preferable
  • It is advisable to use scss
  • Also advisable to use BEM for class names and style folder structure
  • Imagine that this isn’t test task - this is a part of big product and you need to develop new functionality following architecture and code standards used in the team


To speed up setting up, configuration and development we prepared boilerplate with the next tech stack:

  • vue
  • vuex
  • axios
  • antd
  • jest
  • vue-testing-library


yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn test:unit

Use this repository to create your own build if you need to add/modify something to solve a task.