
Files for the 20000-Byte Challenge. (Source: https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/20000)

What is this?

These are files for the 20000-Byte Challenge. (Source: https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/20000)

A more detailed explanation

I'm currently attempting the "20000-Byte Challenge" originating from a Korean programming judge called BOJ. Your code must simply output the contents of the ten files given here (I've copied them over to a GitHub repo): https://github.com/Igyeom/20000 when given the index of the challenge as an integer from stdin.

Example stdin


Example stdout

BOJ 20000 (as seen on the repository)

Why this is difficult

So when given 0, output the contents of file challenge0.out, when given 1, output the contents of file challenge1.out, and vice versa.

Seems easy so far, but one rule that makes this insanely hard: Your code's size must not exceed 20,000 bytes. (it's in the name of the challenge!)

To give you an idea of the scale you're working with, the total file size of all 10 files is 11.5 million bytes. Good luck if you want to try this lol