
Frontend of app for managing orders in online store

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Frontend of app for managing orders in online store

Launching project for contributing

You'll need to have NodeJS installed. Verify it by running node --version in the console. It should show at least 8th version. If it reports error, please install node with this link

I use yarn (facebook package manager) on this and other projects, please install it for comfortable work. It's nice alternate to npm, really :)

Verify installation by running yarn --version in the console. It should show 1.13 or higher.

Please read yarn's small usage guide. And here are complete docs to its CLI. The best feature of yarn (to me) is that it allows to run package scripts short way: yarn lint instead of npm run lint and so on.

Fork this repository with fork button in the bottom top corner

Next clone your new forked repository. Change your-username to your actual github username in the command:

git clone https://github.com/your-username/orders-manager-frontend.git

Go to project folder: cd orders-manager-frontend

Install packages: yarn install

Launch app: yarn start

Have a look at other available scripts in package.json

Package scripts

  • start - launches project at local dev server with hot reloading (it's hot as hell)
  • build - makes production build of the project into build folder
  • test - launches jest test runner
  • eject - ejects project from create-react-app. Never run this script
  • format - reformat all js,jsx,json,css files according to prettier config
  • lint:js - runs eslint on js and jsx files
  • lint:css - runs stylelint on css,sass,scss files
  • lint - runs lint:js and then lint:css
  • deploy - deploys project to github pages. This command runs build command before
  • storybook - launches storybook
  • build-storybook - builds storybook for deployment

Code style

I use prettier to format code. Have a look at prettier config file. You always can run yarn format to reformat code according to our guide. Most times, eslint or stylelint will report any code style violation.

Commit style

I use conventionallcommits specification. Except one rule: subject line should not exceed 50 characters. It's required to make github render subject nicely.

IDE setup


EditorConfig is supported out of the box.

To reformat code according to prettier configuration right in WebStorm:

  1. Type Ctrl/cmd + , to open settings
  2. Open Languages & Frameworks/JavaScript/Prettier
  3. Make sure that prettier package fields points to locally installed prettier package
  4. After that you can run prettier on the current file with Ctrl/cmd + alt/option + shift + P

To view and fix eslint errors right in WebStorm

  1. Type Ctrl/cmd + , to open settings
  2. Open Languages & Frameworks/JavaScript/Code Quality Tools/ESLint
  3. Make sure that automatic ESLint configuration is checked
  4. After that all js and jsx files will be automatically checked by eslint

To view and fix stylelint errors right in WebStorm:

  1. Type Ctrl/cmd + , to open settings
  2. Open Languages & Frameworks/Style Sheets/Stylelint
  3. Check Enable checkbox and make sure that Stylelint package field points to locally installed stylelint package
  4. After that all style sheets will be automatically checked by stylelint

Configure commit rules and inspections:

  1. Type Ctrl/cmd + , to open settings
  2. Open Version Congtrol/Commit Dialog
  3. Check Force non-empty commit comments
  4. Under commit message inspections choose error severity for everything except Spelling. Spelling's severity should be Typo
  5. Click on limit body line and choose 72 as right margin
  6. For limit subject lint inspection right margin should be 50, according to our commit specification
  7. Ensure that Perform code analysis checkbox in the Before commit section is checked. It will run eslint or stylelint on changed files before commit

Visual Studio Code

Install editoconfig plugin to ensure correct configuration related to editorconfig

Install eslint plugin to view and fix eslint errors right in VS Code

Install stylelint plugin to view and fix stylelint errors right in VS Code

To prevent both the editor built-in linters (css,scss) and stylelint from reporting same errors, disable the built-in ones in User or Workspace setting:

"css.validate": false,
"scss.validate": false

Install prettier plugin to reformat code according to prettier config right in VS code.

You may also install spellchecker plugin to ensure your code doesn't contain typos

Also, GitLens plugin can simplify work with git

Restart VS Code to ensure, that all extensions are correctly installed

To reformat code with prettier click F1->Format document. If you're asked about formatter to use, choose prettier.

Configure commit message rules and inspections:

Type Ctrl/cmd + , to open settings

Search for git.inputValidationLength Ensure the value of this option is 72

Search for git.inputValidationSubjectLength The value of the first option should be 50, according to our commit specification

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or open an issue.

If you have any suggestions, how this doc can be improved, feel free to contact me or open PR or issue.

Git workflow

We use forking workflow

Please read article above, if you're new to working with git in a team.

Code Style

Please read our code style guide