
Foodgram project template

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Foodgram workflow

Description: Application for recipe/ingredient management

Link for the website: https://foodgram.myftp.org

Used technologies:

- python 3.10.4
- django 4.1
- djangorestframework 3.14
- django-filter 22.1
- djoser 2.1.0
- reportlab 3.6.12
- pydantic 1.10.6
- Postgresql
- dotenv 0.21.1
- Docker 20.10.22


- Create new recipes
- Filter recipes by tags
- Add recipes to personal shopping card
- Download pdf of all ingredients from shopping card
- Populate DB with JSON or CSV files
- Manage users and content with django admin-users

Launch instructions:


Create .env file backend/.env and fill it with required keys:

  • SECRET_KEY=...
  • DB_ENGINE=...
  • DB_NAME=...
  • DB_HOST=db
  • DB_PORT=5432


  1. This app's using external volume for DB so before you start you should create this volume:

    docker volume create --name=pg_volume

  2. After that build and launch containers:

    docker-compose up -d --build

For now app is available at localhost

Some additional commands:

  1. Fill DB's ingredient table with prepared data(should be placed in backend_static folder):

    docker-compose exec backend python manage.py populate_db --json(or --csv)

  2. Create admin-user:

    winpty docker-compose exec backend python manage.py createsuperuser

  3. To make dump of DB:

    docker-compose exec backend python manage.py dumpdata > your_fixture_name.json

  4. To load fixtures:

    docker-compose exec backend python manage.py loaddata your_fixture_name.json

If you'll need any manage.py commands then you'll want to use prefix:

docker-compose exec backend python manage.py *comand*

Admin-zone is available at:


All available endpoints and responses you can find in documentation:


Author: Larkin Michael