
Simple API for conversion currency

Primary LanguagePython


Simple API for converting currency

Used technologies:

- python 3.11
- django 4.2
- djangorestframework 3.14
- python-dotenv 0.21.1
- Docker 20.10.22
- Poetry 1.4.0
- Requests 2.31.0

Launch instructions:

Set enviroment:

Go to /infra folder and create and fill .env file according to shown in .env.sample file.

  • SECRET_KEY=... # secret key from Django project
  • CONTAINER_NAME=backend # name of your backend container
  • API_KEY=... - key for http://api.exchangeratesapi.io

Install docker compose and run:

docker-compose up -d --build

For now app is available at localhost

If you'll need any manage.py commands then you'll want to use prefix:

docker-compose exec backend python manage.py *comand*

Examples requests:

- GET your_url/api/rates/?from=RUB&to=USD&value=127

Examples of responses:

- GET {
"result": 1.2700629259007803

Project author:

Larkin Mikhail https://github.com/IhateChoosingNickNames