Task 1: Repository Setup GitHub Repository Creation: Logged in to GitHub and created a new repository named "PLPBasicGitAssignment." Initialized the repository with a README file.

Task 2: Local Setup Local Folder Setup: Created a new folder named "PLPBasicGitAssignment" on the local machine. Navigated to the created folder using the terminal or command prompt.

Git Initialization: Initialized a new Git repository in the local folder using the command: bash Copy code git init Connecting to GitHub: Linked the local repository to the GitHub repository using the command: bash Copy code git remote add origin https://github.com/Ijakwalin/PLPBasicGitAssignment

Task 3: Making Changes Create a File: Created a new text file named hello.txt inside the local folder. Committing Changes: Staged the changes using the command: git add hello.txt Committed the changes with the message "Add hello.txt with a greeting" using the command: git commit -m "Add hello.txt with a greeting"

Task 4: Pushing to GitHub Pushing to GitHub: Pushed the committed changes to the GitHub repository using the command: git push -u origin main

Task 5: Verification Verify on GitHub: Visited the GitHub repository in a web browser to verify that the hello.txt file and commit message are visible.