
Code behind the Phlask Web Map

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Code behind the PHLASK Web Map

Project Structure

├── Dockerfile                         <-- Dockerfile defining container for local dev and deploy
├── README.md
├── _phlask.code-workspace
├── assets
├── contributing.md
├── cypress                            <-- Unit tests
│   ├── fixtures                       <-- Fixtures for mocked out data
│   └── integration                    <-- Source files for unit tests
├── cypress.json
├── docker-compose.yml
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── public
├── src                                <-- Source files for project
│   ├── App.js
│   ├── actions                        <-- Source for all Redux actions
│   ├── components                     <-- Source for all React components
│   ├── firebase                       <-- Source for configurations used to connect to Firebase database
│   ├── helpers                        <-- Helper functions shared across components/pages
│   ├── hooks                          <-- Custom hooks
│   ├── reducers                       <-- Redux reducers
│   ├── selectors                      <-- Source for all Redux selectors
│   └── theme.js                       <-- Theme file for Material UI
├── yarn-error.log
└── yarn.lock

Running Locally

Docker (Recommended path for consistency across computers)

  1. Download Docker Desktop

    • Follow installer instructions provided by Docker
  2. Open up a terminal (Powershell on Windows, Terminal on Mac, bash on Linux, or whatever your preferred terminal is)

  3. Confirm Docker Desktop installed successful: docker --version

    Expected output:

      $ docker --version
      # something similar to below should be printed out
      # older versions of Docker OK
      Docker version 20.10.12, build e91ed57
  4. Clone this repo: git clone git@github.com:phlask/phlask-map.git

  5. Navigate to the root of the cloned repo: cd phlask-map

  6. Build the container with docker-compose: docker-compose build app.

    Note: this may take awhile. In the past this has taken ~5 minutes. If this step takes longer than 10 minutes, kill the process and try again. Final output should look like this:

    [+] Building 238.2s (12/12) FINISHED
    => => writing image sha256:c98c...
  7. Run the container with docker-compose: docker-compose up app

    Note: this may take awhile. Once the application is up, output similar to this should be printed out to the console:

    Project is running at
    Starting the development server...
  8. Navigate to localhost:3000 on your browser.


  1. Ensure you have nodejs v12.20.0 installed on your machine
  2. Ensure you have Yarn installed on your machine
  3. Run yarn install
  4. Run yarn start

Want to add something new or develop/report a fix for a bug you found?

See our Contribution Guide to learn about our branching strategy and issue reporting etiquette, and more!

Branching strategy



The technical goals for this project are:

  • Usability on web and mobile
    • Currently planning on using a Progressive Web App (PWA) approach (via ReactJS) to solve this
  • Fast access to useful information about where you can get water nearby
    • Implemented via our Nearest Tap Route


The PHLASK Map runs on a static page built with:


This project uses Cypress for testing.

Running Tests

This project has been configed to run all tests in the cypress/integration directory. To run these tests:

  1. cd into the root (top-level) directory of the project
  2. ensure that you have all requirements installed with yarn install or npm install
  3. run npm run test

Testing in Docker

TBD - This has not yet been tested.

Adding Tests

Please refer to the cypress.json file for testing configurations.

Tests follow the convention of being placed in a <test-file-name>.spec.js file where <test-file-name> is descriptive of the features/functionality the file tests for. Example, water-tap-viewing.spec.js tests feature related to viewing taps and the information displayed on the web page.

To add new tests, create a *.spec.js file at the top level of /cypress/integration.

Refer to /cypress/integration/example for the kinds of things cypress can test for -- NOTE the *.spec.js files are configured to not run when running npm run test.

The site runs on: