
SimplePay simulates sending money from a diaspora country to several countries in Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Tanzania)

Primary LanguageKotlin


In order to be able to setup and run this application, the following need to be installed and setup

Project Setup

To setup the project in your machine:

  • Open and Run Project in android studio
  • Run the application.


SimplePay simulates sending money from a diaspora country to several countries in Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Tanzania)


The project design pattern is clean architecture MVVM:

  • Data layer
  • Domain layer
  • Presentation layer
  • Di
  • Utils

Data layer

  • The data layer handles all logic to do with saving/fetching data from the different data sources and provides it to the app.
  • It has all the repositories which the domain layer can use.
  • Holds classes that define how network requests are made.
    • [CurrencyApi] defines how network requests are made

Domain Layer

  • The layer acts as the mediator between the ViewModels and the data layer.
  • It includes all the apps models Rates CurrencyConverterResponse and and the data repository Interfaces MainRepository

Presentation layer

  • This layer hold classes that display and present the data, it includes MainActivity and viewModels MainViewModel
  • The activity gets data to display from the viewModel and the viewModel talks to the domain layer to perform actions.


  • This layer has all the dependencyInjection logic:AppModule


  • These are classes that define a set of methods that perform common, often re-used functions across the app.
    • [NetworkResponse] is a class for displaying the different UI states i.e: -Loading when a network request is initiated to show the loading spinner. -Success when a network response is successful to display the recipe data loaded. -Error when an exception occurs to show an error snack bar in the UI.
    • [Extensions] has extension functions to validate textInputLayout inputs.
    • [ProgressDialog] holds the progress dialog show and dismiss functions that I can re use across the app.
    • [NetworkStatusTracker] is a helper class for observing the app's internet connectivity.
    • [Utils] has functions such as convertDecimalToBinary that can be used across the app


  • This class has the Utils class unit tests

External Links/dependencies

  • [Retrofit] for network requests
  • [Coroutines]for executing asynchronous code