Development Setup

  1. Open terminal and run

    python -m venv venv
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    This creates a python virtual environment and installs backend dependencies.

  2. For the frontend, install node and npm, and then run:

    cd svelte-client
    npm install
  3. To start the backend in development mode, open terminal and run the dev.* file that matches your OS. (Macs and Linux run, Windows can run dev.ps1)

  4. To start the frontend in development mode, open a new terminal and run

    cd svelte-client
    npm run dev
  5. As an alternative to 3 and 4, simply run ./ to start both servers (backend as a background process). Not super good for finding error messages though.

http://localhost:5001 should show the svelte-client app.

http://localhost:5000 should show the flask app.

Creating Simple API Endpoints

Although it probably won't last the way it is, currently a new api endpoint can be added by creating a new module in the api package and adding:

def get(request):
    return 'example response'

This will map the filename to an endpoint of /api/<filename>