
Interview task for https://github.com/hackerbay/interview-backend-task

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HB Back-End

This is a project for the HackerBay.io Round 1 interview task. It carries out three basic functions;

  • Authentication; this returns a signed JWT
  • JSON Patch; this applies a patch to a JSON document and returns it
  • Image Resize (Thumbnail); this resizes an image to 50x50 pixels and returns it


To run this project, first you need to clone this repository git clone https://github.com/IkechukwuAKalu/hb-backend.git or download the zipped project

Next, you need to run npm i to download all the dependencies

Then run npm start to start the project

Additionally, you can run npm test to run the tests included in the project.

NOTE: Your server has to be running for the integration tests to complete. Also, it is recommended to have an internet connection when running the test.image_thumbnail.js integration test in order to enable it download the image for resize.


The public image for this project on Docker Hub is at https://hub.docker.com/r/aikaykalz/hb-backend/ To pull the repository,

$ docker pull aikaykalz/hb-backend

You can run the image for your terminal using the following command

$ docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 aikaykalz/hb-backend

NOTE: If you encounter permission errors, you should consider running the command with sudo.


This project has just three routes (one public route and two protected routes) and are as follows:

  • POST http://localhost:3000/login for the login function. This also signs a JSON Web Token for use in the other two routes. Example Request body:
            username: 'username',
            password: 'password'
  • PATCH http://localhost:3000/apply-patch for the JSON Patch function. This applies performs the patch operaion with the data provided in the object. Example Request body:
            jsonObj: {
                "name": "Leo",
                "city": "Umuahia"
            patchObj: {
                "op": "replace",
                "path": "/name",
                "value": "Ikechukwu"
  • GET http://localhost:3000/gen-thumbnail for the image thumbnail function. This downloads a public image, resizes it (to 50x50 pixels) and returns it (as a .jpg file) Example Request URL:

NOTE: Depending on your configuration, you may need to change the host and/or the port number in the URL. For the Patch and Thumbnail URLs, you need to add a header value containing the token. Example:

    token: 'your_token_returned_from_the_login_request'


This application uses node-js dashboard for monitoring. To start the monitor, type the following in your terminal

$ npm run dev

NOTE: If you encounter an error while trying to run the above command, increase the terminal size and that should fix it.