
This course has been hosted by exarth corporation to train exarth students on advanced python and its concepts course will be updated according to no of classes students attends

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Welcome to the Full Python course from begineer to expert level.

Beginner Python Course

First portion is designed to help you get started with the Python programming language. We'll cover the following topics:

Introduction to Python

  • History of Python
  • Installing and running Python
  • Basic syntax and data types

Variables and Operators

  • Creating and using variables
  • Basic arithmetic and comparison operators

Control Flow

  • if-elif-else statements
  • for and while loops
  • Creating and using functions

Working with Data

  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Dictionaries
  • Sets

Strings and Input/Output

  • String operations
  • Reading and writing files

Modules and Packages

  • Import statement
  • Using built-in modules
  • Installing and using third-party modules

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Classes and objects
  • Creating and using classes

Errors and Debugging

  • Understanding and handling errors
  • Using the built-in debugger

Throughout the course, you'll work on a variety of hands-on projects to help you solidify your understanding of the concepts covered, Our next part will be intermediate level course

Intermediate Python Course

This portion is designed to help you take your Python skills to the next level. We'll cover the following topics:

Advanced Data Structures

  • List comprehensions and generator expressions
  • Dictionary and set comprehensions
  • Deque and defaultdict

Functions and Closures

  • Anonymous functions (lambda)
  • Higher-order functions
  • Closures and decorators

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Advanced class and object concepts
  • Property decorators
  • Abstract classes and interfaces
  • Mixins

Exception Handling

  • Advanced exception handling
  • Custom exceptions
  • Exception chaining

Iterators and Generators

  • Creating and using iterators
  • Creating and using generators
  • yield and yield from

Advanced Modules and Packages

  • Namespaces and scope
  • Packages and relative imports
  • Advanced import mechanisms

Advanced Input/Output

  • Reading and writing CSV, JSON, and other formats
  • File and directory handling
  • Advanced file and directory handling

Concurrency and Parallelism

  • Threading and multiprocessing
  • Asynchronous programming with asyncio
  • Coroutines and Futures

Throughout the course, you'll work on a variety of hands-on projects to help you solidify your understanding of the concepts covered, the next level will be advance level.

Advance/Expert Python Course

This portion is designed to help you take your Python skills to an expert level. We'll cover the following topics:


  • Dynamic creation of classes and methods
  • Function and class decorators
  • Meta-classes
  • Introspection


  • Sockets
  • Encryption and security
  • Network protocols (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc.)
  • Network libraries (Requests, Scapy, etc.)

Web Development

  • Web frameworks (Django, Flask, Pyramid, etc.)
  • Web scraping
  • Web services (REST, SOAP)
  • WebSockets

Database Programming

  • SQL and NoSQL databases
  • Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
  • Database migrations
  • Advanced queries

Advanced Data Science

  • NumPy, pandas, and Matplotlib
  • Advanced data visualization
  • Machine learning (scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, etc.)
  • Deep learning (PyTorch, TensorFlow, etc.)

Concurrent and Parallel Programming

  • Concurrent programming using asyncio and threading
  • Parallelism using multiprocessing
  • Distributed computing using Dask and Apache Spark

Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures

  • Graph algorithms
  • Advanced sorting algorithms
  • Dynamic programming
  • Advanced data structures (e.g. AVL trees, Tries)

Advanced Design Patterns

  • Creational patterns (e.g. Singleton, Factory)
  • Structural patterns (e.g. Adapter, Facade)
  • Behavioral patterns (e.g. Iterator, Observer)
  • Concurrency patterns (e.g. Thread pool, Actor model)

Throughout the course, you'll work on a variety of hands-on projects to help you solidify your understanding of the concepts covered.

Let's get started!