
.NET client for the Auth0 API

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

.Net client library for the Auth0 platform.

Management API

Full Documentation

Full documentation on how to use this library can be found at http://auth0.github.io/auth0.net


Install-Package Auth0.ManagementApi


Generate a token for the API calls you wish to make (see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2/tokens). Create an instance of the ManagementApiClient class with the token and the API URL of your Auth0 instance:

 var client = new ManagementApiClient("your token", new Uri("https://YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN/api/v2"));

The API calls are divided into groups which correlate to the Management API documentation. For example all Connection related methods can be found under the ManagementApiClient.Connections property. So to get a list of all database (Auth0) connections, you can make the following API call:

await client.Connections.GetAllAsync("auth0");

Authentication API


Install-Package Auth0.AuthenticationApi


To use the Authentication API, create a new instance of the AuthenticationApiClient class, passing in the URL of your Auth0 instance, e.g.:

var client = new AuthenticationApiClient(new Uri("https://YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN"));


This library is useful to consume the http api of Auth0, in order to authenticate users you can use our platform specific SDKs:


For more information about auth0 visit our documentation page.

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.




This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.