JSON Generator for My Portfolio

This simple tool lets me easily create JSON files to enrich my online portfolio. It's particularly useful when I want to display projects with various media such as images and videos.


  • Quickly create JSON files for each project.
  • Generate an image gallery with preview.
  • Add video links for dynamic presentation.
  • User-friendly interface.

How to use

  1. Fill in the form with your project details.
  2. Add images and/or video links to illustrate your work.
  3. Click on "Submit" to generate the JSON file corresponding to your project.

How to integrate JSON into your portfolio

  1. Copy the generated JSON.
  2. Paste it on Github in the gh-pages branch .

Example of Generated JSON

  "projectId": 1,
  "version": 1,
  "projectName": "Project Name",
  "description": "Detailed description of the project.",
  "imageUrls": [
  "videoUrls": [
  "date": "10/12/2019",
  "type": "Web",
  "workplace": "Home"

Created with ❤️ by IlanOu