Noesis plugins that imports Summoners War: Sky Arena models
fmt_smon_dat: Opens .dat character files, uses fmt_smon_pmm, fmt_smon_plm, and fmt_smon_joker
fmt_smon_pmm: Chunk data for skinned meshes. Also opens .pmod files.
fmt_smon_plm: Chunk data for bones and animations. Opens .pliv files when opening a .pmod file with the same name. pliv files are not opened directly.
fmt_smon_fid: Opens .fid model files, has no animations.
fmt_smon_joker: Chunk data for up to two JPEG images: the first a diffuse texture, the second an alpha texture if present.
.dat: Character file, includes a skinned mesh, animations, and textures.
- These are used for monsters, costumes, mounts.
.pmod: Contains a skinned mesh. A .pliv file with the same name contains the animations.
- These are used for moving buildings, environments, some intro features.
.pliv: Not opened directly. Instead, use the .pmod file with the same name.
.fid: Static mesh file, does not include animations.
- These are used for buildings, terrain.
.png: Some PNG files not in PNG format, but instead the proprietary "Joker" format listed above.