Voting App

This DApp enables users to vote for their preferred candidate and view the voting results. It also updates the vote count for each candidate immediately after a voter casts their vote.

This assignment was assigned to the Frontend Blockchain Mentees at the Web3Ladies Titan Fellowship Program.

I built this project using this flow:

  1. Connect Wallet Button: this button is to get users to connect their wallet to the DApp.

  2. Function to connect to the contract instance and a signer.

  3. Function to get the current total votes for each candidate.

  4. Function to cast votes connected using buttons.


  • Cast votes using buttons
  • Real-time updates of voting results
  • Mobile-responsive design for seamless usage on different devices

Tool and Technologies used

Vite. js - environment.

React.js - Frontend.

Tailwind CSS - styling.

Ether.js - interact with Smart contract.

Solidity - Smart contract.

Git and Github.


Sepolia Testnet

Voting DApp Github Repo

Voting DApp Live site

Feel free to explore the code and documentation for more information about the Voting App.