The "Symfony Demo Application" is a reference application created to show how to develop applications following the Symfony Best Practices.
You can also learn about these practices in the official Symfony Book.
- PHP 8.2.0 or higher;
- PDO-SQLite PHP extension enabled;
- and the usual Symfony application requirements.
There are 3 different ways of installing this project depending on your needs:
Option 1. Download Symfony CLI and use the symfony
binary installed
on your computer to run this command:
symfony new --demo my_project
Option 2. Download Composer and use the composer
binary installed
on your computer to run these commands:
# you can create a new project based on the Symfony Demo project...
composer create-project symfony/symfony-demo my_project
# ...or you can clone the code repository and install its dependencies
git clone my_project
cd my_project/
composer install
Option 3. Click the following button to deploy this project on, the official Symfony PaaS, so you can try it without installing anything locally:
There's no need to configure anything before running the application. There are 2 different ways of running this application depending on your needs:
Option 1. Download Symfony CLI and run this command:
cd my_project/
symfony serve
Then access the application in your browser at the given URL (https://localhost:8000 by default).
Option 2. Use a web server like Nginx or Apache to run the application (read the documentation about configuring a web server for Symfony).
On your local machine, you can run this command to use the built-in PHP web server:
cd my_project/
php -S localhost:8000 -t public/
Execute this command to run tests:
cd my_project/
Build docker image:
docker build . -t symfony:v1
Test container by starting it:
docker run -p 8000:8000 symfony:v1
Re-tag image:
docker tag symfony:v1 ileriayo/symfony:v1
Push image to Iamge registry (Dockerhub):
Ensure to first create the repository at the image registry e.g., on Dockerhubdocker push ileriayo/symfony:v1
Create a secret to allow access to the image resgistry from the k8s cluster:
export DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER= export DOCKER_USER=myregistryname export DOCKER_PASSWORD=myregistrytoken export DOCKER_EMAIL=YOUR_EMAIL kubectl -n <namespace> create secret docker-registry regcred\ --docker-server=$DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER\ --docker-username=$DOCKER_USER\ --docker-password=$DOCKER_PASSWORD\ --docker-email=$DOCKER_EMAIL
the above creates a Secret in the specified namespace. This Secret should be created in the same namespace where the apps will be deployed. -
Deploy the app using the manifest file:
kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml
Expose the app to make it accessible and functional:
kubectl apply -f k8s/service.yaml
When running locally you will have to port forward to access it via localhost --> http://localhost:8000
kubectl port-forward pod/symfony-6794fb6cff-5cfck 8000:8000
You can include migration files and uncomment the initContainer portion of the code to run migration:
initContainers: - name: migration image: ileriayo/symfony:v1 command: ['sh', '-c', 'composer require symfony/runtime && php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction']
Create HPA - Scaling issues
When the load increases, we want to also have the pods automatically increase to match demand. Therefore if there is increased load, horizontal scaling deploys more pods to handle the said load. Similarly, if the load decreases, and the number of pods is above the configured minimum, the hpa will work to ensure that it scales down.
First, we need to install metric server (if it does not already exist) in the cluster. This exposes metrics through the Kubernetes API. To install Metric Server, download the manifest using:
Update the manifest file and include the arg:
Then apply the manifest to the cluster:
kubectl apply -f k8s/components.yaml
Check the status of the metric-server using the following command:
kubectl -n kube-system get deployments metrics-server
Once the metric server is in a ready state, create the autoscaler
kubectl apply -f k8s/hpa.yaml
The above autoscaler maintains an average cpu utilization across all pods of 50%. Get the status of the autoscaler using:
kubectl get hpa
To test the above, we can simulate increased load by running the following in a separate terminal:
kubectl run -i --tty load-generator --rm --image=busybox:1.28 --restart=Never -- /bin/sh -c "while sleep 0.01; do wget -q -O- http://symfony:8000; done"
Watch the hpa in a different terminal:
kubectl get hpa symfony --watch