
1. Getting Started

- What's a Workspace?
    "Talk about platform's features and how its dynamic works with messages exchange. What a channel is and its requirements to be connected."
- Platform Overview
    "Talk about known RapidPro project's servers. And how to access Ilhasoft's Push that has exclusive customized features."
- How to gain access to test?

2. Channels

- Intro
    "What a channel is and many is possible to connect."
- Adding channels
    "Setup a channel and test it."
- Editing a channel
    "Customize and Delete added channels."

3. Contacts

- Intro
- Adding new fields
- Editing fields' values
- Searching contacts
- Types and Variables (features)

4. Groups

- Intro
- Creating, editing and deleting groups
    "Actions to groups has no direct effect on contacts nor its data."
- How groups interacts with contacts
    "Adding and removing processes. Static and Dynamic groups."

5. Flows

- Intro
- Create a flow and know the editor
- Types
- Creating a flow in different languages
- Action sets
- Rule sets
- Sending a Message through the flow
- Adding Labels to Responses
- Response Rule
- Starting a webhook
- Starting a flow
- Starting another flow
- Start someone else in a flow
- Sending an e-mail
- Visualizing and exporting variables
- Exporting and Importing a flow

6. Triggers

- Intro
- Creating a Keyword that launched a flow
- Creating a Keyword that allows contacts to join a group
- Starting a flow in the future or schedule
- Start a flow after receiving a call
- Start a flow after a missed call
- Start a flow when a conversation is started by a contact
    "Explain why is this trigger available only at certain channels."
- Start a flow after receiving a message not handled elsewhere
- Ignoring a Keyword trigger in a flow

7. Expressions and Variables

- Intro
- Variables and expressions' syntaxes
- Referencing to variables
- Logic expressions
- Reference functions

8. Campaigns

- Intro
- Adding and editing events
- Activating, deactivating and archive


  • Content delivered through HelpDocs;
  • English documentation first;
  • Use the term platform instead of the product name;
  • Using a neutral documentation layout;