
Integration System for Automated Root filesystem generation


isar - Integration System for Automated Root filesystem generation

Isar is a set of scripts for building software packages and repeatable generation of Debian-based root filesystems with customizations.




Instruction on how to build can be found in the User Manual.

For beginners, it could be easier to use kas-based approach that allows to simply configure and run build using menu. Look at kas/README for the instructions.


To test the QEMU image, run the following command:

    $ start_vm -a <arch of your build> -d <distro of your build>

Ex: Architecture of your build could be arm, arm64, i386, amd64, etc. Distribution of your build could be buster, bullseye, bookworm, etc.

The default root password is 'root'.

To test your RPi board, flash the image onto an SD card using the instructions from the official site: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/getting-started.html#install-an-operating-system

Supported distributions

List of supported distributions, architectures and features can be found in the Supported_Configurations.


Mailing lists:

Commercial support: info@ilbers.de


  • Developed by ilbers GmbH & Siemens AG
  • Sponsored by Siemens AG