
Angular 5.1.0 (Universal) Server Side Rendering + Angular CLI 1.6.4

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular (Universal) Server Side Rendering + Angular CLI version 1.6.4

This simple Angular CLI Server Side Rendering project was created with Angular CLI 1.2.5 to be used as base for a demo app for my talk about - Angular Server Side Rendering Hacks @ JSTalks Conference. It was recently updated to Angular 5.1.0 and Angular CLI 1.6.4

General Info:

  • Install dependencies - yarn / npm i

  • Building the app:

    • development build - gulp

    • production build - gulp prod

    • Running application with node - node ./out-server/server.js or simply yarn ssr-serve / npm run ssr-serve -> http://localhost:8080/

    All server files are compiled to es2015 and extracted to the out-server folder. All browser files are inside the dist folder.

Code separation:

`*.browser.ts` - browser only files

`*.server.ts` - server only files


  • Project is configured for debugging in Visual Studio Code. Inside VSC go to the Debug section, select Build & Launch to build and start the application or Launch to start without re-building.

  • Brakepoints insede angular code will become active when renderModuleFactory inside ./src/server.ts is called.

Using 'ng g' / 'ng generate'

  • -m path/to/some.module.browser.ts must be provided if we are adding a component to a browser module. We should manually import the component to the server module if it's needed.