Movies Microservice for Ivi Clone backend

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This microservice is an API Gateway for Ivi Clone backend application.
This is the only one microservice for ivi-clone project.
Here you can find an instructions for setting up and running microservice.

If you found this repo before exploring the main repo, I recommend you to explore main repo firstly for understanding how to run the application.


  • RabbitMQ
  • Node.js, npm
  • PostgreSQL


$ npm install

Note: If you downloaded this repo from main repo script, there is no need to run install command.

Setting up & running service

For localhost

  1. Create database named movies using Postgres.
  2. Set up .dev.env file.
  3. Run service!
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

For Docker

There is no need to set up service for using in Docker. You can continue follow main repo instructions.


# unit tests
$ npm run test


Ilia Martens