
Memo example application using OnsenUI and developing in Monaca

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OnsenUI Memo App

A tutorial about how to develop this application can be found in the blog of Onsen UI, as well as in the author's blog, in English and Spanish.

This is a simple Memo application for OnsenUI that includes examples of the following components:

  • [ons-navigator]
  • [ons-toolbar]
  • [ons-sliding-menu] - Sliding menu only inside an 'ons-page'
  • [ons-list] - Dynamic lists with AngularJS
  • [ons-carousel] - Carousel inside an 'ons-list', actions on selected element
  • [ons-template]
  • [ons-popover]

It uses AngularJS and has been developed with Mocana.