
Simple REST API that applies a natural language processing pipeline to provided raw text data. Built using Python, NLTK, and FastAPI.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


REST API that applies natural language processing (NLP) pipelines to provided raw text data.

This API was built mainly as a microservice for my Resume Chatbot web app, but can be useful for any other NLP related projects.

Python FastAPI NLTK


url: https://d3mkv8nbq5byz9.cloudfront.net

methods: POST

Sample JSON request body:

    "sentence": "Hello world! My name is Ilia's resume.,? blablabla coming having doing",
    "known_words": ["hello", "goodbye", "ilia", "romanov", "run", "to", "come", "have", "foo", "do"],
    "nlp_pipeline": "nltk_POS_lemmatizer"

Sample response:

    "processed_words": [
    "bag": [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]

Currently available NLP pipelines:

  • nltk_stemmer: tokenizes sentence, then applies nltk.stem.lancaster.LancasterStemmer() and removes punctuation symbols.
  • nltk_no_POS_lemmatizer: tokenizes sentence, then applies nltk.stem.WordNetLemmatizer() without providing wordnet Part of Sentence (POS) tags for tokens and removes punctuation symbols.
  • nltk_POS_lemmatizer: same as nltk_no_POS_lemmatizer, except POS tags are identified and passed to the WordNetLemmatizer() for each word token.

Why Preprocess Text Data?

Preprocessing free text data is a crucial step in making that data usable for analysis and machine learning model development. Raw text data may contain unwanted or unimportant text which reduces the accuracy and efficiency during model training and might make the data hard to understand/analyze. NLP is necessary to highlight the attributes of the data that you want your machine learning system to pick up on.