
Simple Crypto Coins SMS Mailer

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails Sekeleton

Build Status Code Climate

Project description

Rails Skeleton is the base Rails application template used for creating apps from scratch. It's based on Rails 5 and Ruby 2.4.0.


Information about external dependencies (redis, mongo, postgres, etc).

  • PostgreSQL 9.5
  • Ruby 2.4.0
  • PhantomJS
  • Rails 5

Bootstrap application

  1. Clone application as new project with original repository named "rails-skeleton".

    git clone git@github.com:IlkhamGaysin/rails-skeleton.git --origin skeleton [MY-NEW-PROJECT]
  2. Create your new repo on GitHub and push master into it. Make sure master branch is tracking origin repo.

git remote add origin git@github.com:[MY-GITHUB-ACCOUNT]/[MY-NEW-PROJECT].git
git push -u origin master
  1. Run setup script
  1. Run test and quality suits to make sure all dependencies are satisfied and applications works correctly before making changes.
  1. Run app
  1. Update README

Do not forget to update application README.md file with detailed information based on the existing template.

# update README.md
git commit -am "Update README.md"


  • bin/setup - setup required gems, clone example files, run seeds and migrate db if needed
  • bin/update - setup required gems and migrate db if needed
  • bin/quality - run brakeman and other check for the app
  • bin/ci - should be used in the CI to run specs

Documentation & Examples

Where is documentation and examples (e.g. ./docs)?

Continuous Integration

Wating for integration...


Wating for integration...


Wating for integration...