
Small school project, the engine is based on Overlord engine used at Howest DAE.

Primary LanguageC++

Small engine and renderer created for the purpose of studying DirectX and HLSL features. The engine is greatly modified version of the Overlord Engine available at Howest University of Applied Sciences.
The engine uses PhysX for physics and collisions, DirectX for rendering, FMOD for sounds, and Dear ImGui for UIs. No other third-party libraries were used.

The code and assets are not available publicly due to copyright, but code can be requested via an email.

Rendering features:

  • Deferred rendering
  • Easy post-processing filters
  • HDR buffers with tone mapping
  • Cascaded shadow maps for directional light
  • Cone and point lights
  • Hardware skinning
  • Animation blending
  • Blend shapes
  • Customizable particle emitters