the beautiful thing to nourish your hummingbird :)
- view your currently-watching list
- change number of watched episodes
- integration of xdcc bot packlists
- display filtered packlist or raw packlist lines
- compile: gcc -o calyx calyx.c -lcurl -ljson-c -lncurses
- create file calyx.conf (see example)
- adjust file bot_watch.json
- launch
- k -> navigate up
- j -> navigate down
- l -> increase watched episodes count by one
- h -> decrease watched episodes count by one
- s -> if available, show packlist info
- c -> change packlist info display mode
- r -> refresh bot lists
- q -> quit
- cyclic refresh (botwatch)
- list scrolling
- indication of blocking procedures (api requests)
- display of lists other than currenly watching
- This is the first piece of software I wrote in C, so the code will most likely suck, A LOT.
- As soon as AniList gets it's API I'll create a similar ncurses client — this time in Python.