Data Structures II


  • Tree
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Graph


  • Should have the methods: addChild, and contains
  • Each node on the tree should have a value property and a children array.
  • addChild(value) should accept a value and add it to that node's children array.
  • contains(value) should return true if the tree or its children the given value.
  • When you add nodes to the children array use new Tree(value) to create the node.
  • You can instantiate the Tree class inside of itself. Every tree node is an instance of the tree class.

Note: generic trees are not restricted to two children for each node. Image of a Tree

Binary Search Tree

  • Should have the methods: insert, contains, depthFirstForEach, and breadthFirstForEach.
  • insert(value) inserts the new value at the correct location in the tree. For values that are equal to their parent, it doesn't matter whether those values go in the left subtree or the right subtree; just pick one and be consistent with it.
  • contains(value) searches the tree and returns true if the the tree contains the specified value.
  • depthFirstForEach(cb) should iterate over the tree using DFS and passes each node of the tree to the given callback function.
  • breadthFirstForEach(cb) should iterate over the tree using BFS and passes each node of the tree to the given callback function (hint: you'll need to either re-implement or import a queue data structure for this).

Image of a Binary Search Tree


  • Should have methods named addvertex, contains, removeVertex, addEdge, checkIfEdgeExists, and removeEdge
  • addVertex(value, edges) should add a new vertex to the graph with the specified value. If edges is given then the new vertex should share an edge with the given vertex.
  • contains(value) should return true if the graph contains a vertex with the specified value.
  • removeVertex(value) should remove the vertex with the specified value from the graph.
  • addEdge(fromVertex, toVertex) should add an edge between the two specified vertices.
  • checkIfEdgeExists(fromVertex, toVertex) should return true if an edge exists between the two specified vertices.
  • removeEdge(fromVertex, toVertex) should remove the edge between the two specified vertices.

Directed graph

Directed Graph

A simple undirected graph

Undirected Graph

Extra Credit

  • Read up on heaps here and watch this great introductory video. Then implement one! The methods you'll need to implement are already present inside the file.


  • Add a method to the Graph class that searches through the graph using edges. Make this search first as a depth first search and then refactor to a breadth first search.

  • Read up on red-black trees here. Then implement one! No starter files or skeleton code here. If you've gotten this far, you're on your own! :)

Red Black Tree