
Windows and Git do not share the same case sensitivity rules, so this situation may lead to errors or issues when working with Git repositories on Windows.

Primary LanguagePython


This script returns a list of files that are duplicated within your Git repository.


Usage: python "DuplicateGitFilesChecker.py" "<git_repo_path>"

Known Issue

If you need this script to work with folders as well, please create an issue in the repository.
I have a working method for handling folders by iterating recursively through the directory structure using the following Git command:

git ls-tree --name-only -d HEAD

I didn't code this because I personally don't need it, but it effectively lists directories in a Git repository, which would be a starting point to implement the script to works with folders as well.


Something else useful is the git command:

git config core.ignorecase true (can be set to true, false or unset)

see more at: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config