ReadMe for Telegram Channel Analysis App



This Streamlit-based application provides an intuitive and powerful tool for analyzing Telegram channels. It leverages asynchronous web scraping to gather comprehensive data about various Telegram channels across different categories. The app allows users to filter channels based on subscriber counts and other metrics, providing insights into channel popularity, engagement, and content reach.


  • Category Selection: Choose from a wide range of Telegram channel categories such as Politics, Sport, Music, etc.
  • Subscriber Count Filtering: Set a minimum subscriber threshold to focus on more prominent channels.
  • Metrics Analysis: Analyze channels based on daily, weekly, and monthly subscriber changes, citation index, average advertising reach per post, and channel age.
  • Data Visualization: View the data in a structured and easy-to-read format directly within the app.
  • Asynchronous Data Fetching: Fast and efficient data scraping with asynchronous requests.

and maximum channel age as per your analysis needs.

  • Run Analysis: Click the 'Run' button to fetch and display the data.


Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines to get started.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.