
Example of ETL pipeline in Airflow with connection to external PostgreSQL database

Primary LanguagePython

Airflow ETL with Postgres DB connection



git clone https://github.com/Illumaria/airflow-etl.git
cd airflow-etl


  1. Get API_KEY and API_SECRET for https://live-score-api.com/.
  2. Either set them as environment variables:
export API_KEY=<your_api_key>
export API_SECRET=<your_api_secret>

or put them in a .env file.

  1. Depending on the method selected in the previous step, run one of the following commands.
docker-compose up --build -d


docker-compose --env-file <path_to_.env_file> up --build -d

In those cases when docker only runs with sudo, don't forget that sudo has its own environment variables, so you need to add the following to the commands above:

sudo -E docker-compose ...
  1. Once all the services are up and running, go to https://localhost:8080 (use airflow for both username and password), then unpause all DAGs and run them for the first time.

  2. We can check that the DAG wrote to the DB by executing the following commands:

docker exec -ti airflow-etl-postgres-db-1 /bin/bash -c "psql -U postgres"
\c postgres_db
SELECT * FROM postgres_db;


This is the expected result for Airflow:

And this is the expected result (before and after DAG trigger) for external Postgres DB: