Small difference observed in the normalized X and Y signals between GenomeStudio vs Illumina:BeadArrayFiles
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I have a question about a small difference I observe in the normalized X and Y signals in final reports generated with GenomeStudio vs the illumina autocovert tool + python package IlluminaBeadArrayFiles::GenotypeCalls . I analyzed 96 samples on a GSA array GSAMD-24v1-0_20011747_A5. For 99.9 % of the snps the X and Y signals are exactly the same. But for about a 100 snps the X and Y signals differ, where the X_RAW and Y_RAW number are the same.
Genome Studio results:
SNP | X_RAW | Y_RAW | X | Y |
GSA-21:9871186 | 7248 | 2236 | 1.173 | 0.326 |
GSA-21:9952707 | 6435 | 2797 | 1.036 | 0.421 |
GSA-rs1006435 | 5119 | 2310 | 0.813 | 0.338 |
Illumina:BeadArrayFiles tool results for the same snps:
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
SNP | X_RAW | Y_RAW | X | Y
GSA-21:9871186 | 7248 | 2236 | 1.385 | 0.433
GSA-21:9952707 | 6435 | 2797 | 1.230 | 0.542
GSA-rs1006435 | 5119 | 2310 | 0.978 | 0.448
As you can see, the X_RAW and Y_RAW number are the same, but the normalized X and Y differ. Do you have an explanation why we see this, only for a small number of snps?
The expectation is that these should be identical. Can you confirm which version of GenomeStudio and AutoConvert are used?
BeadArrayFiles/1.3.1 and GenomeStudio 2011.1
Do you know which version of AutoConvert or AutoCall was used to create the GTC files?
By default, AutoConvert/AutoCall uses an updated GenTrain algorithm (v3) that will not produce identical results to those produced by GenomeStduio 2011.1. Are you able to use the updated version of GenomeStudio (2.0) in this scenario?