- 3
- 1
genotype call for probe
#42 opened by cmccabe0728 - 3
python3 support
#40 opened by cmccabe0728 - 0 output
#41 opened by cmccabe0728 - 8
Error: Exception: GTC file is incomplete
#27 opened by YHWen-bio - 3
- 2
- 8
- 1
gtc to plink ped format - 0|G instead of A|G
#30 opened by 1teaspoon - 1
- 7
- 2
Error on calling TOP_strand genotypes
#28 opened by zihhuafang - 1
Gentrain score in
#26 opened by Derrup - 3
- 0
Add unit tests
#23 opened by jjzieve - 0
Toggle to remove loci that have been zeroed out in cluster file from DNA summary report
#22 opened by jjzieve - 0
File specification for cluster files
#19 opened by brettvanderwerff - 5
Small difference observed in the normalized X and Y signals between GenomeStudio vs Illumina:BeadArrayFiles
#14 opened by Gerbenvandervries - 2
Illumina strand from manifest
#15 opened by kaylahardwick - 7
#11 opened by smuchakiel - 1
- 1
Weird Basecall result
#1 opened by yyna