
Narrative visualisation depicting the widespread consumption and adoption of drugs in the most prestigious cycle race of the world - Tour De France

Tour De Drugs

The Tour de France is an annual men's multiple stage bicycle race primarily held in France. The race is 3500kms long and last over 23 days. Due to this intense nature of the sport, doping has been long associated with the race.The possibility of competition, rise in economic stakes produced a system of high rewards for winners.

Behance link for detailed Design Documentation and interactive prototype of the narrative visualisation

Need ?

  • Doping stories are fixated primarily on breaking down the journey for accused.
  • The damage done to the sport and other riders is often unknown. The larger story provides users a larger context of the practice of doping on the entire sport.

Trigger Questions:

  • How wide was the impact of doping in the sport ?
  • How were the race results impacted ?
  • What role did the team doctors play ?
  • How bad was it for the riders who did not consume drugs ?
  • How many riders doped in the recent times ?

Initial Data Analysis

  • Required data was gathered from the wikipedia pages and other relevant cycling blog sites.
    • Doped data ( link),
    • Team name (link ),
    • Drug-doctor association (link)

Variable List

  • Drugged Riders+Team

    • Year of race
    • Team
    • Rider_name
    • Rider_Status || Rider_mark (clean v/s doped)
    • Rank
    • Race Timing
    • Doctor associated with (if any)
  • Clean Rides

    • Year of race
    • Rider Name
    • Actual Finish Position
    • Clean Finish Position
  • Drug Network

    • Year of Race
    • Doctor_name
    • Team || Current team name
    • Player Names
    • Rank


  • Tableau + Flourish App explorations explorations

Story Structure

Martini Glass Structure

  • The narrative is author driven first introducing it,then moves to be a reder led initiative
  • The visualisation is built on Ben Shneiderman's principle of Overview first, Details Later; wherein I introduce the reader first to the concept of Tour De France and the history of doping in the sport.
  • It then leads the reader to an exploratory dashboard,allowing him to comprehend the impact of doping on the sport; and further such analysis



sketch1 sketch2


Visit the Behance link for detailed Design Documentation of the narrative visualisation